From the end of September until mid October, Alhambra International has been travelling through the USA together with our new distributor, STARK CARPET, to introduce the brand, our philosophy and our latest collections into their main five corporate showrooms.
The first stop was Los Angeles, for sure a great start for the tour. The showroom is located at award-winning Pacific Design Center, a incredible building with nearly 100 boutiques of International brands available for professional interior designers, architects, decorators and dealers. The fabrics were presented in big show-lengths to better transmit the high quality and design of each unique fabric. The cosmopolitan style of the biggest city in California State welcomed Alhambra designs, fresh colours and structured patterns.
From California, Alhambra crossed the country to visit Stark Carpert’s showroom in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. Our export director, Carlos Hernández, was very pleased by the enthusiastic reaction both from showroom staff and interior decorators visited. Bright colours in combination with soft and mute tones, delighted the design community in this part of the country.
The consecutive days, Alhambra visited Chicago and Boston. Firstly, Alhambra unveiled their ranges at the Design Chicago Open House Days to an enthusiastic audience of interior designers during an intimate lunch at Stark Carpets’ magnificent showroom. “I was very pleased about how well received our lines were, as an attendant said to me, Alhambra represented a little touch of the unexpected which a fresh and vibrant air”, said Carlos Hernández.
It was then at the Boston Design Market 2015 days, when Alhambra introduced the line in Massachusetts state thanks to Stark Carpet’s committed staff and its perfect organization who gave the decorators attending the presentation the opportunity of discovering our latest collections, our sources of inspiration and understanding Alhambra’s mix of traditional patterns together with more contemporary ones.
The last showroom visited was New York, where Stark Management organized a presentation for the corporate staff as well some visits to customers both in NYC as well as in New Jersey. The reactions were very positive and all agreed that Alhambra reinforced the fabric portfolio bringing a fresh breeze of colour and sophistication.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Stark Carpets for organizing this incredible and very productive trip. Their first class organization, their committed staff together with the passion and customer orientated focus shown during our time in the US, have been critical to achieve the incredible outcome of this journey.

The consecutive days, Alhambra visited Chicago and Boston. Firstly, Alhambra unveiled their ranges at the Design Chicago Open House Days to an enthusiastic audience of interior designers during an intimate lunch at Stark Carpets’ magnificent showroom. “I was very pleased about how well received our lines were, as an attendant said to me, Alhambra represented a little touch of the unexpected which a fresh and vibrant air”, said Carlos Hernández.
It was then at the Boston Design Market 2015 days, when Alhambra introduced the line in Massachusetts state thanks to Stark Carpet’s committed staff and its perfect organization who gave the decorators attending the presentation the opportunity of discovering our latest collections, our sources of inspiration and understanding Alhambra’s mix of traditional patterns together with more contemporary ones.
The last showroom visited was New York, where Stark Management organized a presentation for the corporate staff as well some visits to customers both in NYC as well as in New Jersey. The reactions were very positive and all agreed that Alhambra reinforced the fabric portfolio bringing a fresh breeze of colour and sophistication.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Stark Carpets for organizing this incredible and very productive trip. Their first class organization, their committed staff together with the passion and customer orientated focus shown during our time in the US, have been critical to achieve the incredible outcome of this journey.
Desde finales de septiembre hasta mediados de octubre, Alhambra Internacional ha recorrido EE.UU. acompañado de nuestro distribuidor, STARK CARPET, para presentar nuestra marca, filosofía y últimas colecciones en los cinco showrooms más importantes del país.
La primera parada fue en Los Ángeles, sin duda un magnífico comienzo para la gira. El showroom se ubica en el galardonado Pacific Design Center, un increíble edificio que alberga un centenar de tiendas con las mejores marcas internacionales a disposición de los profesionales de la decoración y del diseño de interiores, así como para arquitectos y tiendas. Las telas se presentaron mediante perchas grandes que ponían de manifiesto la calidad y el diseño único de cada tejido. El ambiente cosmopolita de la capital californiana acogió con entusiasmo los frescos colores y diseños estampados que la marca presenta en sus colecciones.
Desde California, Alhambra cruzó el país para visitar el showroom de Stark en Ft Lauderdale, Florida. Nuestro director de exportación, Carlos Hernández, se mostró muy satisfecho por la entusiasta reacción por parte del propio personal del salón y de los numerosos decoradores de interior recibidos. Los colores brillantes en combinación con tonos suaves y neutros, deleitaron a la comunidad del diseño en esta parte del país.
Los días consecutivos, Alhambra visitó Chicago y Boston. En primer lugar, Alhambra dio a conocer sus últimas colecciones en el Design Chicago Open House Days, un evento que reunió a un público muy selecto del mundo del diseño interior durante un almuerzo íntimo en su gran showroom. “Quedé maravillado con el recibimiento de nuestras colecciones, incluso un visitante me llegó a decir que Alhambra representa un pequeño toque de lo inesperado con un aire fresco y vibrante", señala Carlos Hernández.
Posteriormente, coincidiendo con las jornadas profesionales Boston Design Market 2015, en el centro de Diseño de Boston, Alhambra realizó la presentación de la marca en el estado de Massachusetts. La gran implicación del personal en el showroom de Stark Carpet unido a la perfecta organización del evento, nos permitió ofrecer a los decoradores que participaron en esas jornadas, la oportunidad de descubrir nuestras colecciones, compartir nuestras fuentes de inspiración y explicar nuestra propuesta de decoración combinando diseños tradicionales y contemporáneos.

La última visita fue a Nueva York, donde la dirección de Stark organizó una presentación tanto para su personal corporativo como para clientes en NYC y en New Jersey. Las reacciones fueron tremendamente positivas. Todos coincidieron en que Alhambra refuerza su portfolio del que emana una brisa fresca de color y sofisticación.
Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a Stark Carpet por la organización de este increíble y productivo viaje. Durante toda la gira han hecho gala de su insuperable organización, de su comprometida plantilla, y de su pasión y dedicación en la atención al cliente, lo que sin duda ha sido fundamental para lograr el increíble resultado de este viaje.
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